
CSR Activities

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Our CSR Policy


CSR Policy

We conduct our business activities while considering the importance of social responsibility and sustainable development based on our philosophy of "Developing in harmony with society and prospering together with employees."

Our CSR Guidelines

1. Compliance with Laws and
 Fair Transactions

We always comply with the laws and regulations of where we conduct business and engage in fair and appropriate transactions to promote business activities that are trusted internationally.

2. Respect for Human Rights and
 Ensuring a Safe Workplace Environment

We respect all human rights regardless of nationality, gender, creed, disability, and other factors.
We eliminate forced labor and child labor.
We create a diverse and safe, comfortable workplace.

3. Proper Information Management

We deepen trust with society by appropriately managing and protecting confidential information and personal data obtained through corporate activities, and by disclosing information as needed to ensure transparency.

4. Exclusion of Antisocial Forces

We do not engage with antisocial forces.

5. Social Contribution

As part of society, we strive to contribute to the development of the local community through our business activities.

6. Improvement of Customer Satisfaction

We aim to enhance satisfaction of all stakeholders by operating a quality management system and providing high-value products and services.

7. Consideration of Global Environment

We will continue to work towards "achieving a sustainable world" to protect the environment, within the bound of what is technically and economically feasible.

  → sustainability (Our Actions)